Institute for the Study of Aesthetics and Its History

Department of Philosophy, Gwynedd Mercy University

Founded in 2022, this research center aims to promote the study and discussion of all areas of aesthetics, global aesthetics, and the history of aesthetics. Events, conferences, and talks take place throughout the academic year, including via videoconference.

Proposals for conferences and presentations are welcome. Please contact the director Robert Clewis to propose an event or for more information.

Recent talks include:

Oct. 20 2022, Serena Feloj (Universita’ degli Studi di Pavia): “The Kantian Sublime and the Arts: Giving Form to the Formless”

Nov. 9 2022, Diarmuid Costello (University of Warwick): “Aesthetic Judgement after de Duve: Or What, Exactly, Did Kant ‘Get Right’?”