
Journal Articles

Can Painting Evoke the Kantian Sublime?

Aesthetica Preprint (2024)

“Aesthetic Normativity in Freiburg: Jonas Cohn as an Alternative to Kant”

History of Philosophy Quarterly (2022) 39 (2)

“Why the Sublime is Aesthetic Awe”

Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (2021) 79 (3): 301-14

Intersections Between Awe and the Sublime: A Preliminary Empirical Study

Robert R. Clewis, David Yaden, and Alice Chirico

Empirical Studies of the Arts (2021) 40 (2): 143-73

Kant sull’umorismo” [in Italian]

Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 16 (2020): 1-29

“Nature versus Art as Elicitors of the Sublime: A Virtual Reality Study”

Alice Chirico, Robert R. Clewis, David Yaden, Andrea Gaggioli

PLOS One (2021) 16 (3)

How to Distinguish and Reconcile Sensitive and Conceptual Taste”

Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 43 (1) (2020): 43-53

“Beauty and Utility in Kant’s Aesthetics: The Origins of Adherent Beauty”

Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (2) (2018): 305-36

Winner of the “Wilfrid Sellars Prize” of the North American Kant Society

“The Sources and Development of Kant’s Views on Aesthetic Normativity”

Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 4 (2019): 1-19

“Kant’s Physical Geography and the Critical Philosophy”

Epoche: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2) (2018)

“A Theory of the Sublime is Possible”

Wassard Elea Rivista 4 (2017): 45-68 [see also Clewis, ch. 37 in The Sublime Reader]

“What’s the Big Idea? On Emily Brady’s Sublime”

The Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (2) (2016): 104-118

“The Place of the Sublime in Kant’s Project”

Studi kantiani 28 (2015): 149-68

“Kant’s Empiricist Rationalism of the Mid-1760s”

Eighteenth-Century Thought (2014) 5: 179-225

“Film Evaluation and the Enjoyment of Dated Films”

Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind 6 (2) (2012): 42-63

“A Case for Kantian Artistic Sublimity: A Response to Abaci”

Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2) (2010): 167-170

“Kant’s Consistency Regarding the Regime Change in France”

Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (4) (2006): 443-460


Wilfrid Sellars Prize (North American Kant Society)

Awarded for “Beauty and Utility in Kant’s Aesthetics: The Origins of Adherent Beauty”

Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2018

ASA, Honorable Mention, “Collaborate”

Honorable Mention, American Society of Aesthetics competition on the future of aesthetics.

American Society of Aesthetics Newsletter (2016) 36.3.


“The Sublime for the Living”

A dialogue (Kathrine Cuccuru, Robert Clewis)

Itinera 21 (2021)

“Sympathy: A Dream Dialogue”

Philosophy Now 119 (2017)